Hi, my name is Chris Barry and I'm a freelance writer currently based in Montreal, Canada.
I take pride in the versatility of my work, being every bit as comfortable composing first-rate content for businesses as I am writing irreverent humor pieces for alternative news weeklies. You'll find a sampling of both in the Articles section and below.
Featured Articles

Bust a move: How to suss out moving scams and deal with dodgy, surly and incompetent companies

Cheap Fix: Montreal Vet Cures Ailing Animals on the Cheap

No hat needed: Ivan Doroschuk enjoys the weather out West, raises a kid and lives off his legacy

Media grabber: Publicizing other people’s problems to news folks a snap for marketing whiz Carlo Tarini

Yabba dabba Doula! Birthing buddy offers companionship and support for women about to pop

Checking out Montreal’s Cannabis Cup with American pot guru Ed Rosenthal

Flight of the freelancer: Broke and confused, a writer confronts his cowardice at the Montreal Trapezium

Rooting for the Hometown Girl at the Miss Canada International Beauty Pageant

Last word on the runway: vigilance and sobriety are required traits for controlling air traffic

Nicolas Lehoux defines polyamory: more that just “swinging by another name”

Interview with Ron Jeremy, Porn Star: Hail to the Hedgehog!

Talking politics [and more!] with Patti Smith

Green Diapers: Interview with Bummis cloth diaper maven Betsy Thomas

Muckraking 101: A chat with fearless Greenpeace activist/big wig Tzeporah Berman

Iggy and the Stooges: Interview with Scott Asheton

Kangen Water: Woman leaves the lucrative field of corporate law to hawk a Japanese water treatment

Going for Broke: The Story of the Ramones
Want to know more?
I am a genuinely personable, responsible and creative individual with a notable talent for producing content of the highest quality under the tightest of deadlines.
Check out my writing and editing services, or contact me to get a quote on your project.
Check out my writing and editing services, or contact me to get a quote on your project.
Publishers I’ve worked with